HIIT the Track or Treadmill Workout | HIITCore Fitness Blog
Fitness Woman on Airbike exercise machine

HIIT the Track or Treadmill/AirRunner

treadmill workout

Repeat 2 Times

800 Meter Sprint
1:30 Rest or Jog/Walk
600 Meter Sprint
1:30 Rest or Jog/Walk
400 Meter Sprint
1:30 Rest or Jog/Walk
200 Meter Sprint
1:30 Rest or Jog/Walk

This track or treadmill workout is likely to be a serious calorie burner during and post workout!

Target the Glycolytic and Oxidative energy systems while the built in rest periods restore 85-90% ATP and PC allowing for continued explosive production.

Mind blown: We know an 800 meter sprint seems pretty daunting, so lets use the term “sprint” moderately loose relative to your own capability and capacity. The last thing we want is you to stop half way on a sprint interval. However, this is is not a get out of jail card. Hit it with intent and push your way through knowing you have a rest period coming up at the next interval.

If you have any questions on the movements or workout please don’t hesitate to contact us.

For more awesome workouts be sure to download our free fitness program The HIITCore Training Guide which has over 72 HIIT and Core workout segments.